Thursday, July 23, 2009

3) NeverSayNever♥

a long one! =P
plus, check this out: la y6oufkoum;p

I woke up early the day after, and nezaaalt ta7aat wla i see Reemo embaas6a teblaa3 ou etsouleff ma3a Linda khedaamatna.

Linda: oh gd you wake up shouq! you have appointment!

Reemo: ee Lindo thba7aatny 7ana!

Shoug: kaany gemt way3a.. Lindo, wain breakfast?

Linda: no. you no eat! you go have appointment first then i make you nice breakfast :D

Shoug: haha okaay;p .. yallah badlaay reemo

Reemo: degeega bs khal linda etgouly laman dash 3alai'houm elelephant eb bait'houm..

Shoug: chub wayed 3a6aitech wayh! khal9aay goumay

Reem: way3aa zain kaany!


After the appointment, Reem and i decided to go to Chocolate&Macaroon for breakfast. And so, we went. While we were riding bel esculator and laman we were about to nou9al 3end the surface wla BAAAAAAAAAM!!!! REEM ET6EE7!!!


Reem: haahahahahhaha (still menba67a 3al arth ou laughing!)

Shoug: Reemo goumay elnaas yaboun emeroun! hahaha

(Reem etgoum)

Shoug: ya 7mara fashalteena allah yfashlech enshallah! goulay ameen!

Reem: ameen! e7mm la2 qasdy ameen 3alaich!

Shoug: haha ee, ee rag3ay ;p


Radaaina elbait around 2:30.

I decided to bring my laptop 7ag elkitchen since reemo ou linda gam ysawoun elghada, ou ana bath7aak 3alai'houm. Dashaait facebook and got curious 3ala shakel Abdulra7man. So i went to his pofile, and saw his pics wla NAAAAAAAAR! eyanen, eyanen! aaaah ya galby! the last photo kan labess a cap ou ga3ed eb starbucks jlai3a. Laman daqaaqt ou daqaaaqt chan astaw3ebb ena hatha ehwa Mr. amazing laugh! Umbaaaay ironic!

Shouug: Reeeeeemo reemo ou 9umakh ta3alaaaay BSSSSSSSSSSER3A!!

3ad Reem 7ag el legaafa jahza, so yatly 6aayra ma3a the cooking hat foug ras'ha:P

Shoug: shouufaaaay!!!! hatha abdulrahman!!! ehwa mr.amazing laugh!!!

Reem: (tshaheg) hhhh! (tshaheg)! chathaba!

Shoug: el9oura etchatheb mathalan? (:

Reem: umbaaay malat 3alaich hatha shzeena! entay wayh wa7ed ekalmech shakla chethy.. waaay umbay zouqa!

Shoug: (ta36ee'ha nathra) shqasdech? shfeeny ana yal 7mara?

Reem: entaaay shougtiii (while raising her eyebrows)

Shoug: waai3 lawa3tay chabdy!

Reem: (mwaaaaaah)

Shoug: uuuugh!


Heyyaaaaaa he's online!

I sent him a msg eb FB chat..

Shadan Al- Flani:
heey you;p

Abdulrahman Al- Flani:

Shadan Al- Flani:

Abdulrahman Al-Flani:
wallah bkhair, entay shlounech?

Shadan Al- Flani:
great :D

Shadan Al- Flani:

Abdulrahman Al- Flani:
goulay :p

Shadan Al- Flani:
i saw you ams eb starbucks jlai3a :P

Abdulrahman Al- Flani:
la wallah? 9ejj?:p

Shadan Al- Flani:
ee wallah, 7aqeeqatun;p

Abdulrahman Al- Flani:
3ad entay laish mou 7a6a 9ourtech eb profilech?

Shadan Al- Flani
(as i was typing a msg)

9ale7: ya ahl elbaaaaait

Bser3aaaaaaaa i logged off!

Reem: enta ahal elbait yal thakey (sigh)

9ale7: entay chub ou malech sheghel! a9lan ana kent ga3d akalem linda, 9a7 lindo?

Linda: ayywwwooo! you make loud sound me cannot make lunch!

Shoug: chna 6redaatna men elma6bakh?

Reemo: chna?;p

Shoug: haha:P .. Reemo emshay foug khal nshouf Prison Break 3ala ma ykhale9 elghada

Reemo: yalaaah emshay..

9ale7: ana 6ale3 ma3a elshabab faman ellah!

Reem: (cough) geezey (cough)

9ale7: Reemo mallech sheghel feeny! khaleech 3ala 7abeebech wentworth miller a7sanlech!

Reem: ey7a9elek wentworth hahaaay! enta miley cyrus wayed 3alaik;p

9ale7: hahaaay agouul..

Shoug: (interuppting): laaaa2 la tgoul wla ehya etgoul yallah fekouna! emshaay Reemo, ou bye 9aloou7!

efffffffffffffffffffff, aby akalem Abdulrahman:( .. akeed bykoun online belail.

laa2 ana shga3d agoul? laish aby akaalma?

Shougo snap out of it!

(snaps her fingers)

Reem: 7emdellah wel sheker! el7emdella ya raaby enk 3a6aitny ne3maat el3agel mou nafs some other people! (sigh)


  1. FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Ohh i have to catch up, i totally loved " the way you make me smile" Such a Good story. Truely hope this will be even more better.
    Check it out, Totally hot, just outta the OVEN ;Pp

  3. thankyou:*
    enshallah it will be(;
    right on it :P

  4. dreamer hathy long post?!;p
    loved the post bess minoo 9ale7?!
    her brother?!
    next post please
    oo long!:*;p
    love you:);p


  5. LOOOL:$
    thankss;p ee Shoug's brother:P
    love you too;*

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Kaaaaaaaaak! :P shiftaay shi9eer billy yit7adouny!! HAAAAH!! ;p o ma3a ilwayh!! hathe long post :P ma3arfteely intay :Pp

  8. ee 3eraft shy9eer;(
    ee long post wallaaaaaaah:P

  9. lovingggggggggggg the new story...definitely continue writing

  10. DREAMER!
    Tadreen shkthr a7biich? Well I guess you don't!
    Haha, ok, so when I finally got a connection o 3ala 6ool afta7 blooger, chan I scroll down for updates wla YOU POSTED THE THIRD PART!!!!!
    Do you know how happy you made me?
    Siggggggghhhhh, wa a5eeran shay worth my time *rolls eyes around* haha.
    Ok, so first, my relative esma 3abdulra7man o i have a crush on him o THAT'S ME WHEN I WANT HIM TO GO ONLINE OR WHEN I TALK TO HIM!
    WALLA YOU REMINDED ME OF MYSELF, hehe and for that I love you moreeeeeeeee!
    Last, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED THIS POST, o no matter kam marra agoolich it won't be enough cuz it's one of my fave's!
    Plzzz post soon :)

  11. 9ale7 is funny a7is him n reem might have a thing :p bss then again i might be completely offf hahaha :P anywayy thankss for the postt ;**

  12. haha khoush post, waiting for the next one;) ou wayed 3alaich ana shta6ait 3abaly 9ij 6weel, wela khal9 eb degeega:)

  13. love where this is going:*
    Waiting for more...

  14. Sunset: LOOOOOOOOL I love you more sunset!!haha thankyou hun;*! actually your story is one of my faves!

    Halaa: haha you never know (;

    R: wallah 6eweel chub :$

    63: more to come enshallah:*

  15. hatha long?:) bss nice haha;p

  16. efff shfeekoum kelkoum 3alay! it IS long (:

  17. KELESH WALA ZA3ALICH YALGHAAALYAAAA;** bas wala el3athem i was so busy o u know the things i am going through halyomain sam7ene.. i didnt read alot of blogs honestly magarait ur new story i will catch up o start to comment daily 7abebty kelesh wala za3lich 3ad ENTY EL7OOOOB ;****

  18. aaaaw khalaa9 3afaak elkhaaa6er 3ad entay hanooda ma agdar az3aal 3alaich;$:*

  19. Slmz I'm readin da whole story 1 time now, so far its great :))
    But plz put transalation 4 da arabic, dnt understand all of it lol. Anyway keep it up, u a graet writter, A READER IN NEWCASTLE, SOUTH AFRICA
