Saturday, July 25, 2009

4a) NeverSayNever♥

Readers commentaw! ;p

dedicated to Sunset and Maryo Poppins and R;*

btw it's based on a true story.. bs ana khalaita modern(er) as in, the places ou stuff like that :P


Weeks passed and we grew closer and closer, until 7adnaa 9erna meyaana.


Kent naayma bait Reemo, bs ehya faakha noum. So gelt 7ag Michael (sayegna) ena eyey bait'houm ou maraaait Janou and we went to Lenotre, Avenues.

Then temashaaina 3ashan "nhaathem" elakel:p. As we were walking through the food court 3ashan nakheth ice-cream from "Dandorma" 7ag Reemou 3ashan ma tzefnyy.

6ab3aan Janou was thay3a as usual.

7asaait an angel maar yaamy! Re7tt al7ega bashouf etha that's who i think it is. Bs re7tt from the other side 3ashan mou ashkaara gam ashoufa. And at last we became face-to-face.

He was wearing beige shorts with a white A&F qamee9 emkha6aa6 with sky blue. Aaaaaaaaah shenou hal jamal! Mashalaaah mashallaaaaah i kept saying.

" Wsh haal lthy 3ainey tshoufaa?

waajh elbader?

aww ma6laa3 elshams?

alllaaaaaaah ya ma7laa


Okaay let me describe shloun shakla.. He's tall, thin bs fit at the same time, small eyes bs fat7een ou with long and dark eyelashes, normal nose, ou full lips. Throusaa were pearl white bs they weren't perfectly aligned.. which makes him look hotter!

Yaa3ny bekhte9aar he looks very manly ou raaqy. Mou hailegy;p.


I kept my eyes on him, while he on the other side ma yaadry that i exist. He walked through a crowd of halaaga girls. The ones with blonde puff hair ou skinny jeans byenbaa6oun 3alai'ha ou blaayez terfaa3 eed'ha ebaayen ba6en'ha. With met7aajbeen girls elyy kel wa7daa gou6y roub'haa a3la men elthanya. I guess you get the picture.

So, anyways they were walking yaama and they giggle ou ykhezouna ou ya3nyy they're trying to attract his attention. But he on the other hand, ma yaadry 3an hawaa daraa;p. Kaan yamshy ou his eyes don't go wandering around looking at girls. Yaa3ny ya7laaila, such a gentleman!

Kent meshtahyaa abe6 3youn'houm el7ameer! Waai3 narfezouney!

I walked near them ou 3a6ait'houm naathra, chan agoul 7ag Jano

Shoug: "waai3 6a3ay hathoul elsluts"

uhma sma3ouny chan ykhezouny men foug lay taa7at..

Shoug: "ge6ee3aa shal ashkaaal"

and i walked away.

And 6ab3aaan elaakh 3abdelra7maan ma yaadry wain allah gaa6a, so yeah.


@ Reem's house.

Shoug: "Reemou yallaah goumay!"

Reem: "five minutes bss"

Shoug: "chuub wallah en ma gemtaay bakel el ice-cream 3annech"

Reem: "i'm up!:D"

Shoug: "faager remou;p"

Reem: "yeah fager my ass! btw metta 6arashtay elsayegg eyeeb el ice-cream?"

Shoug: "laa2 i went there ma3a janou"

Reemo: "ya7maara laish ma geltyly ayey ma3akoum?"

Shoug: "kaifey chethy na7aasa"

Reem: "khara feech"

Shoug: "thaanks baby;p reemo wain your laptop?"

Reem: "yebeey men ghurfat mama"


I logged on facebook wla i saw him online..

Shadan Al- Flani:
so avenues elyoum ha;p?

Abdulrahman Al- Flani:
lool kntay mawjooda?

Shadan Al- Flani:
yupppp :D

Abdulrahman Al- Flani:
ma sheftech! tara may9eer kelmara entay etshoufeeny ou ana ma ashoufech:P

(oola ya kuber elnaqza;p)

Shadan Al- Flani:
hehe;p.. no way a7e6 9ourty eb FB, makou sheghel;p

Abdulrahman Al- Flani:
laish la2?

Shadan Al- Flani:
maaly khelg sewaalef boug pics ou chethy:S

Abdulrahman Al- Flani:
aaah;p.. 3ayal add me eb msn

Abdulrahman Al- Flani:
and 7e6aay your pic eb msn 3ashan ma et7e6een'ha eb FB ;p .. sheftay shloun elthakaa2(;

Shadan Al- Flani:
Lool okaay al7een i'll add you

(shit! what to do? a7e6 a pic of me bs mou wath7a..? ee 6aaf!)

I signed on msn, and added him..

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* <------- shoug

Abdulrahman alFlani -FCB! <--------- 3abdelra7man


Abdulrahman alFlani -FCB! says:

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* says:
haha ahlaan:P

Abdulrahman alFlani -FCB! says:
halla walah eb shadoon;p

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* says:
hala feek bo 7mayen(a)

Abdulrahman alFlani -FCB! says:
mou nawya etwareeny 9ourtech:p?

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* says:
straight to the point, much?:p ... wait now a7e6'ha

( 7a6aait a pic of me bs mou wayed clear)

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* says:
ka :D

Abdulrahman alFlani -FCB! says:
hathy entay?

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* says:
nope hathy yadetty;p .. ee hathy ana! 3ayal menou:p?

Abdulrahman alFlani -FCB! says:
aah, 7elwa el9oura:P

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* says:
ofcourse it's 7elwa etha ana feeha! ;$

Abdulrahman alFlani -FCB! says:
ta3jebnyy eltheqa;p

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* says:
eltheqaa ne9 eljamaal hun:p

Abdulrahman alFlani -FCB! says:
bs shadoon el9oura mou wath7a!

(didn't expect that one coming..!)

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* says:
ee shasawy hatha mou my laptop so ma 3endy ela hal pic fe ;s

(aaaah yal targee3a bel moukhba:P, 3ad laptop reemou ne9'houm 9wary;p)

Abdulrahman alFlani -FCB! says:
aha ok.

Abdulrahman alFlani -FCB! says:
bs i demand 9oura thanya laman etdesheen mn your laptop :P

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* says:
hehe okay;p

»S.73™« Entαα elWα7eed ely Kαlααmek Awααmerr;* says:
umm 7amany i have to go, ttyl ciao!

(and i signed out)

Reemo: shfeech you signed out?

Shoug: madry, pressure :s

Reem: tabeen enrou7 moukan?

Shoug: ee okay.. bs khangoul 7ag noor ou jano eyoun ma3ana

Reem: laa2, mou hal mara.. i have to tell you something private

Shoug: reemo ga3d tkhar3eeny! shenou shfeech?

Reemo: laman nou9al hnaak ra7 t3arfeen..


And so we decided ena enrou7 el9ale7eya so we can shop for dresses 7ag the parties we get invited to.

Shoug: reemou.. goulyly shelsaalfa? ga3d akhtere3..!

Reem: shoug ana.......

I saw our friend Dalal rushing towards us.

Dalal: Reemou Shougaa hiiiiii!

(hugging us)

Dalal: shlounkoum? menzemaan 3ankoum waay i miss you!

Reem: hehe taamam we miss you too!

( i just kept fake smiling)

Dalal: how's summer so far?

Reemo: wallah it's great, how's your summer?

Dalal: fun! betsafroun moukan?

Reem: uuh, mou akeed.. entay?

Dalal: ee barou7 L.A enshalla;p

Reemo: aah have fun

Dalal: you too!

( i'm still keeping my fake smile on)

Dalal: khala9 3ayal see you enshallah.. bye!

(she noticed my discomfort elthaher:P)

Shougg: ma beghaat etrou7 :\

Reemo: 7araam wallah tara 7ad'ha tyanen

Shoug: or so you think, enzain goulyly entay shenou?

Reem: ana.......................


  1. 3ad goulaw it isn't long!
    and first :P

  2. Reem: ana......


    LOOOOL OK im really enjoying ur story... Cant wait 2 find out what Reem has to say.. Please post soon daaahling :D

  3. Haha! ya3jbni el jur2a!
    Ana 3andy ighteraa7, insaawi fashion police 7ag hal haaaaaailag! ma ashtehy a6la3 w sbat.hum! wala li9bayan now habeen with fake ralph lauren's! law3aw chbooodna!
    anyways geragt wayd cuz inarfzouni hal ashkaal;p!
    and.. love the post bs laish cliff hanger??;@ ma7bhum!

  4. looooooooool il girls part bess ga3da ath7ak!!!
    reem ana .....?????????? shinoo????
    4b please as soon as u can please!!


  5. hi i just started reading ur story its really nice and i am new to blogger =)
    i hope u read my story =D

    witting for the next post


  6. Dazzlin: thanks hun;** enshallah soon!

    63: LOOL ee wallah i agree with you on the fashion police jaad! kaak 7elfaay? awal mara asmaa3 eb fake raulph lauren's:P .. ynarfezoun ou bss? ana ashtehy a7thef'houm beljouty wallah(: .. hehe na7aasty a7eb elcliff-hangers when i'm the one writing them;p

    A: haha:P .. ehya......... ;p soon enshallah(;

  7. M: welcome to blogosphere hun;* thanks! sure will(;

  8. Wallah! Rou7ay Al Manshar telgain shkither 7tan bil jam3yat!wala il mumatheleen moo imga9reen kilish! law i5alouni alabeshum abrak ou mara wa7da a3alemhum shloun imathloun

    Btw ghayart ism my blog;p now it's

  9. AAHH!! AABBYY A3RF:P ! the suspence is definatleyy going to kill me !! post bsre3aa pleaasseee!

  10. DREAMER!!!!!!!
    7abeeeeeeeeebtyyyy thanks a BUNCH ofr the dedication walla :D And OMGOODNESSGRACIOUSGOD! I LOVED THIS POST...BS WHY THE CLIFF HANGER :@@@@@
    HAHAH bs la walla haha I still love you ;* Mashalla Mashalla, I LOVE YOUR WRITING! O btw 7ady hooked and I'm seriously inlove, o 3abdlra7man...aaaaahhhh...shagoolich..YSHAWIGG!
    Bs the only thing bagy a3arfa huu...SHFEEHA SMEETY?! WHAT'S WRONG? 7ARAAAAAM 3ALAIIIICH etsaween feeny chithii moo?
    Babe walla I love this post oo 7aaaaaaaaaaaadyy on my toes o waiting for the next one, tara ana moo bl Do7a bs I sign in 3ashan agraa postatich, o I don't think ena I'll be posting bs yalla kilha youmain o arja3, anyways ee as I was saying fa please please I WANT THE NEXT ONE!!!!!
    LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU ;*************

  11. A7ib ikhoooch 9aale7:p
    I just read all the parts of this story and I'm really loving it sooo don't keep hangin with a cliffhanger, and iloveyouu;**

  12. Dreamer! Thanks for the dedication:D hehe okay al7een HATHA long post, mu hathaak:) 3ajeeeb el post, ou ta3jebnnyy ana ely she ended her post with a cliffhanger;) haha love you;* waiting for part b!

  13. 63: ee ga3d agoul wain blog "queen bee" :P

    monwa: thanks hun:*

    halaa: haha enshallah soon;p

    sunset: LOOOL haha thanks hun wallah wanasteny;** ee lazem cliff-hangers ba3ad;p love you too:*:*

    cupid: ehwa y7ebech ba3ad:P .. love you too hun;*

    R: your welcome;p .. sheftay shloun;) a3jebech mou:$? .. love you more;* .. soon enshallah:p

  14. Post More pleaaase :**
    Loving it!

  15. Mn hal mazyooon wya '9roosa alm3afsa @@

    Chnch M, t7boon hal no3ya mn al'9roos yal weirdos ;p ana a7b alrayal ykoon labs ta8weeem, uff shno ykooon HOT, NAR.

    9adagty ;p? haha bas seriously 7loooo ele w9afte ;p and 9j 7arakat banat, ma3ndi 9ora fel laptop o kl wa7da 3ndha mllyoon 9ora fe her friend's laptop NFASHL ;x

    b5t9aaar o mn '3air hathra I looove ;* next lo sma7tiii

  16. heroine: haha shensawy ba3ad:$ .. ee ehwa 9ejj 7elw;p .. eee kaaak! thanks hun;** soon enshallah!
