Friday, May 29, 2009

Pt.9a -TheWayYouMakeMeSmile;*

Layaan's Perspective:

My alarm kept ringing and ringing so loudly, le darajja ena keraaht 3eeshty! Ifffff, time to wakey-wakey. it's already 11;00! lazzem now abadel, ma yamdeeny I take a shower. Ana ou Phayou are gonna go 7ag avenues to shop for new spring clothes. I wore an Abercrombie yellow qamee9, with ultra-skinny sky blue jeans. ma3a a Burberry handbag, with a sweater inside it la2anna it might become quite chilly baraa. I wore my Burberry high heels, slicked my hair in a ponytail.

Incoming call: Phaye:

Phaaye: "Yalaaah wainech ya 7mara 6awaltay!!!"

Layan: "ana barraa, bs wait! awal shay, entaay shenou labsa?"

Phaaye: "mallech sheghel;p"

Layaaan: "aby a3areff 3ashan law we're wearing almost nafs elshay, then you have to go change."

Phaye: "ana labsaa an Armani black cardigan ma3a a white dress"

Layan: "okay yallah 6el3eely!"

Outgoing msg: Layan:
Layan: "hey babes! gd morning;* elmouhem, tara I'm going to avenues now, 3endy shaghla. Kisses, xox!"

Incoming msg: Rakan:
Rakan: "have fun, ou deeray ballech 3ala nafssech:*"

Outgoing msg: Layan:
Layan: "etkhaaf 3alaay?;$"

Incoming msg: Rakan:
Rakan: "shloun ma akhaaf 3alaich etha entaay layounty?;p"


We shopped till we dropped! Ba3dain we get in the car.. Phaaye decides to tsoug the car, and I agreed 6ab3an. Wlaa faj2a a phone call interrupts our thoughts.

Incoming call: Baba;* (ebou Phaaye.. she's "daddy's girl"!):p

Phaaye: Babaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Baba: halla bel zain kella !

Phaaye: I miss you wayed;s.. metta betred .. after two weeks?

Baba: Phayouna 7abeeebty entaay, I'm sorry to tell you this bs, your mother is now badly infected by cancer.

Phayo: Haaaaaaaaaaaaa? shakou! Mama ma feeha cancer! is this a prank?


After that, legait nafsy labsa the same hospital gown in Sharm. Except that this time, my heart was hurting me. I could sense that there was something wrong. Very wrong.


Writer's note: Sorry etha ma 3ejabkoum elpost, bs I was publishing it while ana ga3d aghameth my eyes, la2anna 7ady daykha! More action next post enshallah;)


  1. no a crush :(
    cancer :(
    heart problem :(

    to much bad things in one post :(

    but cant wait for the next one please let there be some sun shine after this storm

  2. Ohhhhhhh !!! Cantt wait !!
    Thanks for posting ;* waitin' for more ..

  3. Noooooo 7araaaaaam, laiishhhh ?
    Next pleaseeeeeee, aby a3arf shno y9eer. Love it ;***

  4. CuteAndCuddly: hehe you have to wait and see;p
    Madawi: your welcome;*.. soon enshallah;)
    Sunset: madri laish:P thaanks;* & soon enshallah;p

  5. Enshala Ma Eyeeb Mw'6u3 el-Cancer 3La 6ooL Wekha9Beg'Ha ;S,, w Funniest Line: "After that, legait nafsy labsa the same hospital gown in Sharm" Walla KsaRat Kha6Ri..Kella Ehya Elli MakLat'Ha ;p

    -Lost Lover
