Monday, June 15, 2009

Pt.12 -TheWayYouMakeMeSmile;*

Layaan's Perspective:

It has been two months since that night he told me he kissed her. I still miss him an awful lot, but I can't bring myself up to talk to him. Even though he still calls me.. three times a day. I never picked it up, my hands shiver when he calls, and my eyes water when I see his name on my mobile.

But I'm still livng my life, I'm going out with my friends. I'm still partying, and rocking, but, now that I don't talk to him, all that partying and having fun never felt the same way as it did while he was in my life. I have no idea why he's still in Kuwait when he should be studying barraaa, am I the one holding him back? or is it something else?

One day he stopped calling me. And soon enough, that day became a week, and that week became a month. Is there something wrong with him? Is he harmed? My whole body trembled at those thoughts.

Incoming call: Unknown caller:

Unknown: "aloo.."

Layaan: "umm, who's this?"

Unknown: "ana Mi7sen.."

Layaan: "umm.. atwaqa3 enek ghal6aan bel raqam"

Unknown (Mi7sen): "la7thaa, entay Layan?"

Layan: "ee na3am, shdaraak?"

Unknown (Mi7sen): "Rakaan Al Flani gaaly adegg 3alaich ou as2aal 3annech."

Layaan: "ou laish mou ehwa ely ydeg ou yes2aal..?"

Unknown (Mi7sen): "aaha.. ya3ny ma gaallech? ehwa raa7 yadress bel U.S"

Layan: "aaah.. ou laish gaalek tes2aal 3aanni?"

Unknown (Mi7sen): "Rakoon ehwa men a3aaaz rab3y.. ou gaaly qe9aatkoum, ou ba3dain gaaly ena adeg 3alaich every Saturday and Wednesday 3ashan as2aal 3alaich ou ashoof 7aalech"

Layaan: "okay, now that you called.. ana tamam ou eb alff khair, ou law sama7tt ma aby ekoun baaina ay 3elaaqa except laman ekoun youm elSaabt ou you can just text me, you can't call me, and you absolutly cannot stalk me. Ou shyaathbetlly enek 9ejj refeej Rakan, ou ena ehwa gaalek tes2al 3aaani?"

Unknown (Mi7sen): "Your laptop's password is: RakanMyOneAndOnly, ou ehwa ely gaalech taktebeen this password on his birthday gabel sena taqreeban"

Layan: "hmm, okay. so my rules are only texting me on saturday 3ashan tes2al 3aany. Agreed?"

Unknown (Mi7sen): "etefaqna"

And I hung up.
Oh well, here goes nothing.

Writer's Note: I know this is a short post, sorry;* ..Bs I promise ena there will be another post tonight enshallah. Enjooooy;)!


  1. Ma erta7tlaa :( ..
    thanks waiting for the next ;*


  2. aww laish 7araam;p no problemmm;*

  3. aww miskeenn :( this is so sadd!! they'd be madly an deeply in lov right now if it wasnt for that annoying home wrecking cousin of his!
    cant waiit for moree ;**

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i am proud of her she did the right thing.
    But i must say cute that he sent his friend to check on her. since she doesnt answer or return his calls or messages.

  6. Intimacy: more coming up soon;*

    CuteAndCuddly: exactly:*

  7. pooooooooooooooooooooor rakooooni bas ham i feel sorry for layoona lanha heart broken bas i love what he is doing now ena trying to ask about her bas is it true ya3ni walla le3baaaaaaaa pls let me know in ur next post

  8. haha Nawarii mashallah galbech kebeer 3ayal:P
